Recently Updated Pages
What is NORA?
Nora is a general purpose medical imaging platform, which tries to fuse all aspects involved in...
Fiber Viewer
NORA includes fiberviewer based on webGL and Babylon.js. The main features are: Supports TCK ...
The ROI-Tool The term Region of Interest (ROI) is used throughout the tutorial as a synonym ...
Fibertracking, Streamline Analysis
Fibertracking Streamline Analysis thanks to Andrea dressing for the tutorial
Projects and Subject/Studies
Projects NORA's subject pools are called "Projects". Each user has rights to see a certain su...
Navigation Tool (alignment and deformations)
NORA provides the possibility to manually align volumetric images (nifits) in a rigid (affine) an...
Jupyter Notebooks
For debugging the batchtool can open a job in a jupyter notebook: The jupyter notebook is open...
Generic jobs There are a multitude of predefined algorithms (mostly MATLAB) in NORA; however you...
The Batchtool Window Consider Figure 2 below: the subject/studies table on the left is used for ...
The Marker-Tool enables other types of labels, for instance point-labels. To open it click on t...
PACS Querier
Starting the PACS Query Tool To start the PACS query tool click on the wrench symbol in the uppe...
Manual import
Upload as dicoms Compress your dicoms into a zip-archive and upload the zip to NORA from here...
First Steps
Learning by doing is most of the times the best option. So, try out the demos on https://www....
Create Project From Existing Data
NORA inside a Docker
Install Docker on your host system First, install docker, git and jq on your host system su...
Administration Backend
Command line Interface (BASH) You need a PATH to <path-to-nora>/src/node Ca...
The batchtool was created out of the needs to apply common neuroimaging pipelines (like SPM, F...