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12 total results found
NORA inside a Docker
Install Docker on your host system First, install docker, git and jq on your host system sudo apt-get install git jq There might be an issue with the DNS address in docker. To check this, run docker run busybox nslookup If the hos...
Fiber Viewer
NORA includes fiberviewer based on webGL and Babylon.js. The main features are: Supports TCK (mrtrix) and TRK (TrackVis) formats Fiber Manipulations Interactive selection by variable sized spheres Interactive deletion by variable sized sphere Selecti...
Administration Backend
Command line Interface (BASH) You need a PATH to <path-to-nora>/src/node Call nora any get help ...
The batchtool was created out of the needs to apply common neuroimaging pipelines (like SPM, FSL, Freesurfer) on medium sized projects (10-1000 subjects) in a convenient and efficient manner. One of the major objective of NORA's batchtool is to deal with he...
Projects and Subject/Studies
Projects NORA's subject pools are called "Projects". Each user has rights to see a certain subset of projects. The subject/study table on NORA's desktop shows only the subjects/studies of the current project. Projects can differ in their nameing convention...
The Batchtool Window Consider Figure 2 below: the subject/studies table on the left is used for the selection of subject/studies on which you want to run your batch. You can use the filter bars to create the subgroup you want to work on (see Subject/Studies ...
Generic jobs There are a multitude of predefined algorithms (mostly MATLAB) in NORA; however you can also implement your own scripts directly by using generic jobs. Currently there are three types of languages possible: BASH Python MATLAB A generic jobs...
PACS Querier
Starting the PACS Query Tool To start the PACS query tool click on the wrench symbol in the upper left corner. Then click on PACS Query. Overview of the Query Tool GUI In this window users can search for patients in the pacs. 1. Enter the data of the...
Manual import
Upload as dicoms Compress your dicoms into a zip-archive and upload the zip to NORA from here: The dicoms are converted with the project specific policies to NIFTIs and imported into the project according to the meta data contained in the data (patient ...
Create Project From Existing Data
Navigation Tool (alignment and deformations)
NORA provides the possibility to manually align volumetric images (nifits) in a rigid (affine) and deformable fashion. You can interactively translate/rotate/scale the images by holding the Ctrl-key and using the mouse with the yellow crosshair symbol. The def...
Fibertracking, Streamline Analysis
Fibertracking Streamline Analysis thanks to Andrea dressing for the tutorial