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Administration Backend





Command line Interface


You need a PATH to <path-to-nora>/src/node

Call nora

And some more intro to project jsons …..

NORA - backend  
usage: nora [--parameter] [value]  
--project (-p) [name]    
      all preceding commands refer to this project  


--sql (-q) [sqlstatement]  [--csv]  

      executes SQL statment and return result as json (or as csv if option is given)

--add (-a) [file] ...    

      adds list of files to project

--del (-d) [file] ...         

      deletes list files

--out (-o) [filepattern]        

           computes absolute outputfilepath from filepattern (see description of filepattern below)  

--pathout (-pa) [filepattern]       

           computes absolute outfilepath from filepattern  

--select (-s) [--json (-j)] [filepattern]   

           returns files matching filepattern, if --json is given, files are return as json filepattern  

--launch (-l) [json]                 

           launches batch from json description

--createproject (-c) [name] [module]   

           creates a project with [name] from [module] definition

--admin [parameter1] [parameter2] ...  

           calls the admin tools (see nora --admin for more help)



--launch json       

           launches a NORA job given by json  

           options: --throwerror

                    --handle_job_result (emits DONE signal, when ready)  

--launchfile jsonfile       

           same as --launch but json given by fileref  

--launch_autoexec psid  

      launches the autoexecution pipeline of the project for the patient specified by psid

--import srcpath       

           imports dicoms located in sourcepath to given project  

           options: --autoexec_queue (if given autoexecuter is initiated, use DEFAULT to select default autoexecution queue given in config)  

                    --handle_job_result (emits DONE signal, when ready)  

                    --extrafiles_filter: if there are non-dicom files in your dicomfolder and you  

                   want to add them to your patient folder, then, give here a comma-separated list of  

                   accepted extensions (e.g. nii,hdr,img)

                    --patients_id PIZ (overwrite patients_id of imported data with PIZ )  

                    --studies_id SID (overwrite studies_id of imported data with SID )  

                    --pattern REGEX (use REGEX applied on srcpath of dicoms to overwrite  

                               patients_id/studies_id, example:  

                         --pattern "(?<studies_id>[\w\-]+)\/(?<patients_id>\w+)$"  



--exportmeta [filepattern]       

           exports meta data as csv. Meta content from files matching [filepattern] are exported

           options: --keys a comma separated list of key-sequences, which are exported [optional]

                  a key sequence is given by a dot-separated list, where the first key refers to the name of  

                  the json-file (as multiple jsons might be contained in the query). A wildcard * is possible  

                  select multiple keys at once  


                  nora -p XYZ --exportmeta '*' 'nodeinfo.json'       // gathers also patient info

                  nora -p XYZ --exportmeta '*' 'META/radio*.json' --keys '*.mask.volume,*.mask.diameter'