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First Steps


Learning by doing is most of the times the best option. So, try out the demos on

to get an inital experience. 


NORA's desktop

This is NORA's basic working screen:screen is like that:


Loading data into NORA happens in most of the cases per drag&drop. You can simply drag images from the subject/study table (see here for more about the table) into the viewports on the right. By double-clicking a file its content is loaded and placed into next available viewport. You can also drag&drop files from your local computer into the viewports for visulization (note that the data is not uploaded, it stays on your local machine).

Depending on the file type different drop options appear in the viewports. For example, if you want to overlay one image onto another just drop on "drop as overlay". Hence, each viewport can contain multiple items: a background, overlays, masks, fibers and surfaces (in 3D) etc.. Corresponding to each item a viewbar appears in the upper right corner of the viewport. The viewbar controls the appearence of the associated object/contrast. Most properties (colormapping, outlines, etc.) are set for all instances of the object in all viewports. If you want to choose the same object to have different appearence properties in different viewports use the shift key while selecting the property. 

The viewbar of the "background" image is organzed as follows




Central Toolbar



Viewports and  Viewer Layout

To control the layout of the viewports use the layout selector located at the central toolbar. Note that for the horizontal viewports at the bottom a mosaic view is default.



Mouse wheel change slice
Ctrl + Mouse wheel  zoom
Right mouse button (hold down) pan
Left mouse buttom click change position of crosshair (world position)
Middle mouse button Change windowing
Ctrl + Left Mouse button hold Reformatting MPR (rotation/translation) , see Navigation Tool
Keyboard Shortcuts
1-6,0 shortcuts to standard CT windowings
Space toggle ROI edit, see ROI tool
s open settings window
x,y decrease/increase scroll speed
arrow up/down change subject (when using autoloader)
(shift) Ctrl-Z Undo/Redo ROI drawing