NORA Documentation
First Steps
Learning by doing is most of the times the best option. So, try out the demos on https://www....
The ROI-Tool The term Region of Interest (ROI) is used throughout the tutorial as a synonym ...
Fiber Viewer
NORA includes fiberviewer based on webGL and Babylon.js. The main features are: Supports TCK ...
Projects and Subject/Studies
Projects NORA's subject pools are called "Projects". Each user has rights to see a certain su...
The Marker-Tool enables other types of labels, for instance point-labels. To open it click on t...
Navigation Tool (alignment and deformations)
NORA provides the possibility to manually align volumetric images (nifits) in a rigid (affine) an...
Data import
The batchtool was created out of the needs to apply common neuroimaging pipelines (like SPM, F...
The Batchtool Window Consider Figure 2 below: the subject/studies table on the left is used for ...
Generic jobs There are a multitude of predefined algorithms (mostly MATLAB) in NORA; however you...
Jupyter Notebooks
For debugging the batchtool can open a job in a jupyter notebook: The jupyter notebook is open...
Fibertracking, Streamline Analysis
Fibertracking Streamline Analysis thanks to Andrea dressing for the tutorial